St Joseph's Catholic Church, Oakham

HELP - St Joseph's support group

HELP is a group of volunteers who try to make a difference to other people's lives. Our aim is to reach out to others in our community who might need some support.

As our lives go on things happen that can leave any one of us in need of someone who will listen. There are lots of reasons why a person might need help.

Our group of volunteers are discrete and know that everything they do for the support group is confidential. Discretion is needed at all times.

We are all DBS checked, the just means we have no criminal records or reasons why we should not work as volunteers for the Catholic Church.

Who do we help?

Well almost anyone, certainly we aim to be all embracing. By that we mean we will help an individual or family.

We help the poor, the sick and housebound. We shop for the elderly or frail, we give lifts to Church and the Doctors. We listen to the dying and the bereaved, the lonely and the sad, people who have been abandoned by their partners and those struggling with divorce, ex-convicts who are struggling to rebuild their lives - the lists is endless.

Sometimes all we can do is listen and then get the right people involved and find professional help.

How do we get referrals? 

Quite often our priest and deacon who are involved with HELP will have been to visit someone. They will then let us know if more visits are required. Relatives and the individuals themselves also contact us and ask for help.

If you need help or know someone who may benefit from a visit from one of our volunteers please contact

Rev Raymond Keogh Tel: 01572 755360

Maria Marriott  - 01572 722308 or 

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Can you help HELP to help HELP help? Would you be interested in joining us?

If so we will be very pleased to talk to you. All you need is to be able to give about two hours a month of your time and to be a good listener. We match our volunteers to clients carefully. We all have different skills which we recognise.

Mass Times

St Joseph's, Oakham
4.30pm (First Mass of Sunday)
Sunday: 10.30am (with Children's liturgy-Term Time) join us for coffee and tea after Mass
Mon: 10am 
Wed: 10am (Exposition 9am) join us for coffee and tea after Mass
Friday:7pm Latin Mass St Thomas of Canterbury Exton

Live Stream from St Joseph's

St Mary
& St Augustine, Stamford

Saturday: 6pm (First Mass of Sunday)
9am and 11am
Friday: 10am (Exposition 9am)


St Joseph's, Oakham
Sat: 3.30pm - 4.00pm 
Wed: 9.30am – 9.50am

St Mary and St Augustine, Stamford
Sat: 5pm - 5.40pm

Read about Confession

Masses in nearby Parishes

Join us for coffee and tea after Mass at St Joseph’s on Sundays & Wednesdays