
The Bishops of England and Wales will hold a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress in Liverpool from 7th – 9th September 2018.
Cardinal Nichols wrote: "We seek to rejuvenate Eucharistic adoration in our parishes as the source of strength for our lives and for our mission, that of making present the love and compassion of Jesus in our society."
Bishop Patrick has said “It is Christ whom we truly
encounter in the Eucharist who sends us out into our community and wider world to encounter him in the poor and the marginalised, and to respond as we can.”
We are asked to send delegates to the Congress and more importantly to respond as a Parish by increasing our understanding of the Eucharist and practice of Eucharistic Adoration.
As a start, we will be holding a series DVD presentations on The Eucharist by Bishop Robert Barron on the following Mondays;
26th February, 5th, 12th and 19th March at 7.30 pm in the Meeting Room. Do please make every effort to attend these sessions. You will not leave unaffected.
Bishop Barron is an eloquent, persuasive and sound presenter of the Catholic faith and its rich heritage.