Live Streaming Liturgies

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
It is hoped that we shall be able to live stream the following liturgies from the private chapel here at Bishop’s House, on the Bishop’s YouTube account. Please follow the link and do share this with your parishioners and local Catholic community:
Monday 23rd - Night Prayer - 7 pm
Tuesday 24th - Holy Rosary - 10am
Wednesday 25th - Simple Mass for the Annunciation (Solemnity) - 7.30 pm
Thursday 26th - Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament - 10 am
Friday 27th - Stations of the Cross - 3 pm
Saturday 28th - No live streaming
Sunday 29th (clocks go forward) - The Bishop hopes that he may still be able to offer Mass in the Cathedral on this the 5th Sunday of Lent, if not, this will be streamed live from his private chapel here at Bishop’s House. At this Mass we shall pray for the Rededication of England as Our Lady’s Dowry and the Mass will end with the Angelus Promise - Mass begins at 11.15 am
After each liturgy a video is created from the live streaming, this agin can be accessed on the Bishop’s YouTube account. Each week we hope to offer a schedule which will be sent out for you to publicise throughout your local parish community. In addition it is hoped that Fr Kevin Athaide will also ensure that this is posted on the Diocesan Website and Diane Williams has very kindly agreed that this information will also be circulated by her if possible by email to your parish office email account.
Please be assured of the Bishop’s and my own prayers for you each day, do keep us in your own.
I pray you may all remain happy, healthy, and positive, amidst all the daily changes of this present time,
Warmest Best Wishes,
Fr Jonathan