Kairos Prison Ministry

Kairos is a Christian Mission which goes into prisons to show the transforming love of Jesus Christ to inmates. The mission is a five day programme which explains and demonstrates the Christian faith in action. Through the Bible, personal testimony and unconditional love, inmates come to understand that they can be forgiven, accepted and transformed through encountering Jesus.
The impact of Kairos on inmates is miraculous and reoffending rates in prisoners who have been on a Kairos programme are almost non-existent. The impact is so significant that prison authorities and the government are now actively inviting Kairos teams into UK prisons to work with groups of inmates.
Last year, a team went into Stocken Prison and, at the end of the week, 16 inmates made a commitment to Jesus and their lives were visibly transformed. In October, a team of 25 of us are returning to Stocken to work with another group of men. One of the ways in which love for the men is shown is by people on the outside baking cookies. We have committed to baking 14,000 cookiesthis year to support and ‘feed’ the mission. Although you may not feel called to go into the prison, you can show your support by baking a batch of 35-40 cookies using a simple recipe. We really need your help in backing this mission and this is a way of putting faith into action and reaching out to the lost, the last and the least in our society, just as Jesus would do.
If you feel you can help, recipes and instruction sheets are at the back of the Church. Please bring cookies to Mass on Saturday/Sunday, 5th/6th October.